Brain Games: CEO of the Umonics Method Sancy Suraj’s Mission to Boost Preschoolers’ Memory Skills

We had the pleasure of interviewing Sancy Suraj, the CEO of the Umonics Method, who is on a mission to improve preschoolers’ memory skills through fun and engaging brain games. Suraj has developed a unique method that aims to help children retain information better, leading to improved academic performance and greater success in life.

Can you tell us more about The Umonics Method and how it aims to improve preschoolers’ memory skills?

The Umonics Method is a memory enrichment training program that is designed to help preschoolers develop their memory skills effectively. The method is aimed at creating strong foundations in memory techniques for lifelong learning. At The Umonics Method, we believe that memory is a crucial skill that needs to be developed at a young age, just like how we teach children to read and write.

Our approach to memory training is unique in that it is not just about memorizing facts and figures. We teach children how to use their imagination, visualization, and association techniques to remember information with ease. Our curriculum is designed to cater to different learning styles, making it engaging and fun for children. We also incorporate games and other activities to make the learning process more interactive and enjoyable.

The Umonics Method focuses on holistic memory development, which means that we don’t just train children to memorize information for tests but rather help them develop memory skills that they can use throughout their lives. We believe that by teaching these skills at a young age, children can unlock their full potential and gain a competitive advantage in school and beyond.

In summary, The Umonics Method aims to provide preschoolers with the necessary tools to develop their memory skills effectively. We focus on holistic memory development by teaching children imaginative techniques to remember information with ease. Our curriculum is engaging, fun, and tailored to different learning styles. By teaching children these skills at a young age, we believe we can set them up for success in the future.

How do you make memory training fun and engaging for young children?

At The Umonics Method, we strongly believe that learning should be fun and engaging for young children. That is why we have created a unique approach to memory training that is both enjoyable and effective. Our program incorporates a variety of games and activities that are designed to stimulate different parts of the brain, making learning more engaging and memorable for children.

One of the ways we make memory training fun for young children is by using visual aids and storytelling. Children are naturally curious and imaginative, and we leverage this by presenting information in a visually appealing and engaging way. We use stories, pictures, and videos to make learning more interactive and exciting. By incorporating visual aids into our teaching methods, we not only make learning more fun but also help children to retain information better.

Another way we make memory training engaging is by incorporating movement and play into our activities. We understand that young children have a lot of energy and need to move around, so we use this to our advantage. Our program includes physical activities that help children to remember information while having fun. For example, we might ask children to act out a story they have just learned or play a game that requires them to remember certain facts.

We also believe in the power of positive reinforcement. We provide lots of praise and encouragement to children when they do well, which helps to boost their confidence and motivation. By making learning a positive and rewarding experience, we encourage children to engage with the material and enjoy the learning process.

Can you share any success stories or examples of how The Umonics Method has helped improve children’s memory skills?

We have many success stories from parents and students who have experienced the benefits of The Umonics Method. One such story is about a young girl who was struggling with memorizing her multiplication tables. She had tried various methods, but nothing seemed to work for her. After enrolling in our program, she not only memorized her multiplication tables, but also demonstrated improved memory skills in other areas such as recalling facts, dates, and even phone numbers. Her parents were thrilled with the results and reported that their daughter was much more confident in her academic abilities.

Another success story comes from a mother whose son had difficulty remembering and following instructions. The Umonics Method helped him improve his working memory, which is essential for remembering and completing tasks. As a result, he was able to follow instructions better, complete his homework more efficiently, and perform better in his classes overall.

We have also received feedback from parents who noticed significant improvements in their children’s language skills and vocabulary after completing our program. One parent reported that their child’s reading comprehension had improved, and they were able to read and understand books that were previously too difficult for them.

We are very proud of all of our students and their accomplishments, and we believe that The Umonics Method has the potential to help children of all learning abilities reach their full potential.

“We are thrilled to see the positive impact that The Umonics Method has had on our students. Each success story is a testament to the effectiveness of our program and our commitment to helping children improve their memory skills and unlock their full potential.”

How do you ensure that the memory techniques taught through The Umonics Method are age-appropriate and effective for preschoolers?

At The Umonics Method, we take great care in developing age-appropriate memory techniques for preschoolers. Our program is designed to cater to children between 3-6 years old, and we recognize that the developmental needs of this age group are unique. We have developed memory techniques that are specifically tailored to the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

We understand that preschoolers have a shorter attention span and a limited working memory capacity. Therefore, our techniques are designed to be simple, interactive and engaging to ensure that children do not get overwhelmed or bored. We use a range of multi-sensory tools, including visual aids, stories, songs, and games, to reinforce memory techniques and to make learning fun.

Our memory techniques are based on research and have been tested to ensure their effectiveness. We have a team of experts who specialize in early childhood development, psychology, and education, who review and refine our memory techniques continually. We also seek feedback from parents and teachers to ensure that our methods are age-appropriate and effective for preschoolers.

Moreover, we believe in a holistic approach to memory development. We understand that memory is not just about retaining information, but it is also about how well children can organize, store, and retrieve that information. Therefore, we focus on developing a child’s overall cognitive abilities, including attention, perception, reasoning, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for memory development.

In addition to memory training, what other skills do you think are important for preschoolers to develop?

While memory training is an important aspect of our program, we also believe that there are other important skills that preschoolers need to develop to become well-rounded individuals. One of the most important skills is social-emotional development. Preschoolers need to learn how to interact with others, communicate their needs and feelings, and develop empathy and understanding for others. We believe that social-emotional development is the foundation of all learning, and it is something that we focus on in our program.

Another important skill for preschoolers is language development. This includes not only learning vocabulary and grammar, but also developing communication skills such as listening, speaking, and comprehension. We believe that a strong foundation in language development is essential for success in all areas of life, including academic achievement and social interactions.

Physical development is also important for preschoolers. Developing gross motor skills, such as running, jumping, and climbing, helps children build strength, coordination, and confidence. Fine motor skills, such as drawing, cutting, and writing, are also important for developing the small muscles in the hands and fingers, which are needed for tasks such as writing and using utensils.

Finally, we believe that creativity and imagination are essential for preschoolers to develop. Encouraging children to express themselves through art, music, and play helps them develop their creativity and imagination. This also helps them build problem-solving skills and a love of learning.

“Memory training is important, but developing social-emotional skills, language development, physical skills, and creativity are equally important for preschoolers to become well-rounded individuals and succeed in all areas of life.”

During the interview, Suraj explained how the Umonics Method works and how it makes memory training fun and engaging for young children. She also shared some success stories of how the method has helped improve children’s memory skills and discussed how the techniques taught through the Umonics Method are age-appropriate and effective for preschoolers.

Suraj also emphasized the importance of developing other skills in addition to memory training, and discussed how technology and screens are affecting young children’s memory skills. She also highlighted the critical role that parents and caregivers play in supporting and reinforcing the memory training techniques taught through the Umonics Method, and how memory training can benefit children who may struggle with traditional teaching methods or have learning differences.

Furthermore, Suraj spoke about how she stays up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in memory training and education, and her long-term goals and ambitions for the Umonics Method. She plans to continue to innovate and improve her approach to memory training for preschoolers.

How do you think advances in technology and the increasing prevalence of screens are affecting young children’s memory skills?

As a memory coach for preschoolers, I have seen first-hand the impact of technology on young children’s memory skills. While screens and technology can be excellent tools for learning, excessive screen time can lead to a decrease in attention span and memory retention. Many young children spend an increasing amount of time on screens, which can have a negative impact on their overall cognitive development, including memory skills.

As a result, we at The Umonics Method place a strong emphasis on minimizing screen time and encouraging interactive, hands-on learning experiences. We believe that young children learn best through exploration and play, which is why we offer a range of games and activities that are specifically designed to boost memory skills. These activities are designed to be fun and engaging, ensuring that children enjoy the learning process and are motivated to continue developing their memory skills.

Furthermore, we also encourage parents and caregivers to take an active role in promoting healthy screen habits. We provide guidance on how to create a healthy balance of screen time and other activities that promote cognitive development. We also emphasize the importance of spending quality time with children and engaging in interactive activities that promote cognitive development and social-emotional learning.

What role do parents and caregivers play in helping to support and reinforce the memory training techniques taught through The Umonics Method?

Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in reinforcing the memory training techniques taught through The Umonics Method. At the heart of our program is the belief that children learn best when they are supported by a strong network of caring adults. As such, we provide parents and caregivers with the tools they need to support their children’s learning and memory development at home.

Firstly, we offer regular parent-teacher conferences to discuss each child’s progress and identify areas for improvement. During these meetings, we provide parents with specific memory exercises and activities that they can practice with their child at home. We also encourage parents to share feedback with us on what is and isn’t working, so we can adjust our approach accordingly.

Secondly, we provide parents with a variety of resources to support their child’s memory development. This includes educational materials like books, puzzles, and games that are designed to engage children and improve their memory skills. We also offer online resources, such as instructional videos and webinars, to help parents understand the science behind our memory training techniques and how to best support their child’s learning.

Finally, we emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for memory development. We provide parents with guidance on nutrition, exercise, and sleep to help their child’s brain function at its best. We believe that by working together with parents and caregivers, we can help children reach their full potential and develop the skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

In short, parents and caregivers are critical partners in The Umonics Method’s memory training program. Through regular communication, targeted resources, and an emphasis on healthy living, we work together to support children’s learning and help them build strong memory skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

How do you think memory training can benefit children who may struggle with traditional teaching methods or have learning differences?

Memory training can be especially beneficial for children who may struggle with traditional teaching methods or have learning differences because it provides them with alternative ways to learn and retain information. Some children may have difficulty with reading or listening comprehension, but by using memory techniques such as visualization, association, and repetition, they can better remember and understand information. These techniques can also help children who may have ADHD or other attention-related issues to focus and retain information for longer periods of time.

Memory training can also help children who have learning differences such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, which can affect their ability to read, write, or understand numbers. By using memory techniques, children can remember important information and formulas that they may struggle with otherwise. This can help them to perform better in academic subjects and feel more confident in their abilities.

In addition, memory training can improve children’s overall cognitive abilities and academic performance. The Umonics Method and other memory training programs focus on developing skills such as attention, visualization, and association, which can be applied to a variety of academic subjects. By improving these skills, children may see improvements in their grades and overall academic achievement.

It’s important to note that memory training should not be seen as a substitute for traditional teaching methods or learning accommodations for children with learning differences. Rather, it can be used as a supplement to help children develop new ways of learning and remembering information. Memory training can be particularly effective when used in conjunction with other support and accommodations, such as tutoring, accommodations for testing, or other individualized education plans.

How do you stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in memory training and education?

As the CEO of The Umonics Method, staying up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in memory training and education is crucial to the success of our program. We regularly review academic literature and attend relevant conferences and seminars. Our team also collaborates with experts in the fields of cognitive psychology and education to ensure that our program remains at the forefront of memory training.

One way we stay up-to-date is through our partnerships with universities and research institutions. We have ongoing collaborations with several universities, including the University of California, San Diego, and the University of Texas at Austin. These partnerships allow us to access the latest research findings and to work closely with experts in the field of memory training and education.

We also regularly evaluate the effectiveness of our program through both internal and external research studies. Our team of researchers and educators analyze data to identify areas where we can improve and adjust our program. This ongoing evaluation ensures that our program is constantly evolving and improving to meet the needs of our students.

Finally, we prioritize ongoing education and professional development for our team members. We encourage our educators and researchers to attend relevant conferences and seminars, participate in webinars and training sessions, and read academic literature. By investing in the education and professional development of our team, we ensure that we remain at the forefront of memory training and education.

What are your long-term goals and ambitions for The Umonics Method, and how do you plan to continue to innovate and improve your approach to memory training for preschoolers?

My long-term goals and ambitions for The Umonics Method are to continue to improve and innovate our approach to memory training for preschoolers. Our mission is to help children develop essential memory skills that will serve them well throughout their lives, and we are committed to continually refining our methods to achieve this goal.

One of our main focuses is on expanding our reach and impact, both within our home country and internationally. We are actively working on developing partnerships and collaborations with schools, educational institutions, and organizations around the world to help bring our program to more children.

In addition, we plan to continue to incorporate the latest research and best practices in memory training and education into our approach. We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and using this knowledge to continually improve and refine our program.

Another area of focus for us is on technology and innovation. We are exploring ways to incorporate new technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, into our program to make it even more engaging and effective for children.

Overall, our goal is to be at the forefront of memory training for preschoolers, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our approach and bring our program to more children around the world. We believe that memory skills are essential for success in life, and we are committed to helping children develop these skills in a fun and engaging way.

“We are committed to being at the forefront of memory training for preschoolers, constantly innovating and refining our approach to help children develop essential memory skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.”

Overall, Sancy Suraj’s dedication to improving children’s memory skills is truly remarkable. Her innovative method offers a new approach to memory training that is fun, engaging, and effective for preschoolers. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the Umonics Method and the positive impact it will have on young children’s academic success and beyond.