Association with Personal Experiences

Unraveling the Relationship between Personal Experiences and Memorisation


  • Use Sensory Cues: Enhance memorisation by incorporating sensory cues from personal experiences. Engage your senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell to create stronger memory associations.
  • Emotional Significance: Attach emotions or personal significance to the information. Emotionally charged memories are often better retained and more easily recalled.
  • Connection to Past Events: Establish meaningful links between new information and specific events or experiences from your own life. Personal relevance aids in memory consolidation and retrieval.
  • Familiar Examples: Relate the new information to familiar examples or situations, deepening comprehension and improving memory retention.
  • Real-Life Application: Visualize how the information can be applied in real-life scenarios you have encountered. Practical associations foster understanding and facilitate memory recall.
  • Use Visual Imagery: Utilize visual imagery to create mental pictures that incorporate personal experiences, strengthening memory encoding and retrieval.
  • Narrative Construction: Craft personal stories or narratives that incorporate the information you want to remember. Associating facts with personal experiences enhances memorability.
  • Self-Relatability: Reflect on the information and relate it to your own beliefs, values, or experiences. Personal connections deepen understanding and reinforce memory retention.
  • Collaborative Learning: Engage in discussions with others and share personal experiences related to the topic. Hearing different perspectives and stories enriches memory consolidation and retrieval.
  • Contextual Application: Apply the information to real-world contexts that align with your personal experiences, making it more memorable and relevant.